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Script Injection

The Script Injection feature allows for the execution of JavaScript on the server side in a Laman.js application. This enables the use of libraries like momentjs for data processing (e.g., date formatting) before it is sent to the client. By performing this processing on the server, it can enhance SEO and site performance.


  1. Install the Library:

    To use a library on the server side, first install it using npm:

    npm install moment
  2. Create the Inject File:

    Create a file src/inject.ts to export the library you want to inject:

    // src/inject.ts
    export { default as moment } from "moment";
  3. Use in Edge Template:

    After creating the inject.ts file, you can use the injected library within your .edge templates. Simply call inject to access the exported libraries:

    {{ inject.moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD") }}

    In this example, moment() is used to format the date on the server before the result is sent to the client.


For security reasons, the following Node.js core modules cannot be imported via script injection. Using these modules may expose the server to security risks.

Prohibited modules:

  • fs
  • child_process
  • net
  • http
  • https
  • dns
  • os
  • process
  • vm
  • repl
  • cluster
  • buffer
  • path
  • crypto
  • timers

Access to these modules is restricted to prevent potential security issues such as remote code execution.


  • SEO: By processing data on the server side, the content sent to the client is ready to be indexed by search engines, improving your site's SEO visibility.
  • Performance: Server-side script execution helps reduce the processing load on the client, resulting in faster page load times and a better user experience.

Code Examples

// src/inject.ts
export { default as moment } from "moment";
{{-- src/pages/index.edge --}}
{{ inject.moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD") }}

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